What Are the Side Effects of Fat Reduction Treatments?

Learn about potential side effects associated with fat reduction treatments such as Liposonix, CoolSculpting, Trusculpt and Lipo Laser.

What Are the Side Effects of Fat Reduction Treatments?

During treatment, some patients may experience mild discomfort, cold, tingling, or heat. After Liposonix, there may be some bruising, redness, swelling, and discomfort at the treatment site. These side effects are usually mild. CoolSculpting may cause minor side effects, such as irritation and pain.

In rare cases, fat cells may grow more in response to the treatment instead of shrinking. All types of body contouring treatments have mild side effects. These can include redness at the treatment or injection site, temporary redness, minimal swelling, tenderness, and bruising. These side effects can last from several hours to several days before going away on their own.

Both fat freezing and liposuction destroy fat cells, which can lead to undesirable and unhealthy results. Weight loss refers to a decrease in total body weight, while fat loss refers to weight loss from fat. Destroying or killing fat cells can cause the development and growth of fat in other areas of the body, including around organs. In addition to the risks related to the removal of fat cells that laser liposuction avoids, some of the known side effects include a feeling of pulling on the skin near the treatment site, pain and discomfort around the treatment site, redness, bruising, and skin tenderness.

Before undergoing any fat reduction treatment, even a non-invasive, non-surgical process such as laser lipo, it is important to understand how the treatment works. Other options for non-invasive fat removal include radiofrequency devices like Trusculpt that “melt fat cells” and cryolipolysis or fat freezing which is a non-surgical process that destroys fat cells found under the skin in extreme cold. Because the low temperatures provided by the device penetrate only the upper layers of fat under the skin, it is best to use this procedure to remove small areas of persistent fat. Emerald Laser has received 18 marketing authorizations from the FDA and is the only fat reduction laser system that has obtained a pre-market authorization from the FDA to reduce overall circumference.

Lipo laser is another relatively new non-invasive treatment that attacks fat cells with lasers and is highly effective.

Della Kerfoot
Della Kerfoot

Zombie guru. Infuriatingly humble coffee enthusiast. Amateur twitter maven. Hardcore web junkie. Passionate twitter fan. Incurable internet geek.

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