What are the Benefits of Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Treatments?

Non-invasive fat reduction treatments are becoming increasingly popular as a way to reduce stubborn areas of excess body fat without surgery or downtime. Learn more about these treatments here.

What are the Benefits of Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Treatments?

Non-invasive fat reduction treatments are becoming increasingly popular as a way to reduce fat without the need for surgery. These treatments use lasers, ultrasound, and other technologies to break down fat cells and reduce their volume. The result is a gradual and modest reduction in fat, with no downtime or risk of complications. Traditional liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves small incisions in which a tube is inserted into a fatty area.

The fat is then sucked through the tube, resulting in the permanent reduction of those fat cells. However, non-invasive fat removal destroys some fat cells, meaning the target cells are gone forever. If you gain weight, these cells will expand, but you'll see less fat in the treated area. Laser fat reduction works by dismantling subcutaneous fat using controlled heat. A specific laser wavelength is applied through the skin, which heats fatty tissues to the point where fat cells begin to break down.

A constant cooling mechanism ensures that the skin is not damaged in the process. SculpSure is the commercial name for this non-invasive laser technology. Laser lipolysis is a non-invasive form of body sculpting. Like surgical liposuction, this procedure permanently removes fat cells from the body. However, it's much less painful, and recovering from laser lipolysis is also shorter and less complicated.

It also has a lower risk of the skin becoming saggy later on. Cryolipolysis appears to be a safe and effective treatment for fat loss without the downtime of liposuction or surgery. It's important to note that cryolipolysis is meant to lose fat, not to lose weight. The ideal candidate is already close to their ideal body weight, but has persistent, easy-to-eliminate areas of fat that are difficult to eliminate with diet and exercise alone. Cryolipolysis doesn't attack visceral fat either, so it won't improve your overall health. However, it can help you put on your favorite pair of skinny jeans.

You'll usually see the full effect of the injections used to treat excess chin fat approximately 3 to 4 months after the last treatment.

FDA-approved ultrasonic fat reduction treatments

include UltraShape, which uses pulsed ultrasound technology, and Liposonix, which uses high-intensity focused ultrasound. Perhaps the most significant, although relatively rare, side effect of cryolipolysis is increased fat growth at the treatment site. A device with panels or suction cups is placed on the skin in the treatment area where it transmits temperatures that are low enough to freeze fat cells, basically destroying them. The average fat reduction ranges from 10% to 25% per round of treatment, and there is no evidence of side effects throughout the body. For patients who have their ideal body weight or close to it and who do not need significant remodeling in an area, non-surgical treatments can be an excellent option to reduce isolated pockets of fat resistant to diet and exercise without surgery and with little or no downtime. Injectable fat reduction treatments, such as Kybella, require advanced knowledge of anatomy and should only be performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon or provider with equivalent training and experience. One of the latest technologies approved by the FDA for non-surgical fat reduction uses red light therapy to reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat cells. As the fat liquefies, the doctor will use a narrow tube (cannula) to suck the fat out of the body. Safety and efficacy of bilateral submental cryolipolysis with quantified three-dimensional images of fat reduction and skin tightening. Non-surgical treatments allow for a less drastic change and destroy the amount of fat that can be pinched, which is called skin fat.

Non-surgical fat reduction includes minimally invasive treatments that selectively break down fat cells in specific areas to reduce the size of subcutaneous fat pockets (fat deposits found under the skin but above the muscle). When performing non-invasive fat extraction, the dermatologist uses a portable device or injections to destroy fat cells. In injectable form, deoxycholic acid can break down fat cells on contact to reduce fat accumulation in isolation. A number of FDA-approved treatments are available, each of which achieves gradual and modest fat loss without surgery or downtime.

Della Kerfoot
Della Kerfoot

Zombie guru. Infuriatingly humble coffee enthusiast. Amateur twitter maven. Hardcore web junkie. Passionate twitter fan. Incurable internet geek.

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